Subjects by department

Order by: code name  
13133-Department of Cybernetics
Autonomní robotika - B3M33ARO1  list of non-registered students full student list
Autonomní robotika - BE3M33ARO1  full student list
Computer Vision Methods - BE4M33MPV  full student list
Cybernetics and Artificial Intelligence - BE5B33KUI  full student list
Deep Learning - BEV033DLE  list of non-registered students full student list
Digitální obraz - B4M33DZO  full student list
Fuzzy Logic - XEP33FLO  list of non-registered students full student list
Geometrie počítačového vidění a grafiky - B4M33GVG  full student list
Geometry of Computer Vision and Graphics - BE4M33GVG  full student list
Humanoidní roboti - B3M33HRO  full student list
Humanoidní roboti - BE3M33HRO  full student list
Kybernetika a umělá inteligence - B3B33KUI  list of non-registered students full student list
Laboratoře robotiky - B3B33LAR  full student list
Matematika v Maple - B0B01MVM  full student list
Medical Imaging Systems - BEAM33ZSL  list of non-registered students full student list
Metody počítačového vidění - B4M33MPV  list of non-registered students full student list
Neuroinformatics - BEAM33NIN  full student list
Neuroinformatika - BAM33NIN  full student list
Optimalizace - B0B33OPT  full student list
Programming for Engineers - BE5B33PGE  list of non-registered students full student list
Robustní statistika pro kybernetiku - XP33RSK  full student list
Structured Model Learning - XEP33SML  full student list
Zobrazovací systémy v lékařství - BAM33ZSL  full student list
Zpracování digitální fotografie - A7B33DIF  list of non-registered students full student list
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